Happy Halloween!

This is the first time I’ve had the space to host such an awesome Halloween party. I’m just stoked about this kitchen island.


This is also the first year that I’ve had a garage and lived in a neighborhood with this many kids. So, I decided to decorate the garage as a mini haunted house for the kids.

Most of them wouldn’t come near it, which was fine, and kinda funny. But the ones who went inside loved it. I had a lot of compliments. I want to do this every year and be, you know, “that house”. 

I also created a posted that glowed under blacklights for everyone to sign. Everyone pretty much behaved themselves signing it, which was nice. (And before you see it, yes, someone wrote “thankyou” in such a messy way that it almost doesn’t look like they meant that, but they absolutely did, I swear.)

I hosted a party a few weeks before Halloween and reused the same props for the most part.